Here's what I got over the course of December, including birthday gifts:
Ed Hardy Geisha Car Fresheners in Love Tonic scent
A new red fleece robe
$50 in Starbucks cards
The Christmas Shoes on DVD
A crystal angel car dangly thing with purple wings
A bundle of snacks and candies
A bag of candy and treats
A Christmas mug full of fancy chocolates
Packs totaling 36 glow bracelets
a fancy box of Harney & Sons teas
this frackin awesome infinity scarf 

I was also able to see The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug with a good friend, a recap of which will be coming as soon as I finish some research to support some of my observations. And let's not forget both friends and family took me out to Broadway shows that came through town back in November!
In addition, my sister and I created a power team with my niece to to express ourselves in the art of cookie. Unsurprisingly our tormented inner selves came out in rainbows and sparkly sugar.

It would surprise no one that most filming was of my niece as she opened her presents. Everyone else was content in watching the crazy antics of our family exchanging gifts as well as try to keep the dog out of the room to avoid stray chewing of wrappings. I should recount this funny moment after all the gifts were opened that my niece took her new butterfly Barbie to her room and started trying to help her toy fly by flinging it across the room. She would then take her new toy doctor kit and try to give the Barbie a "check up" for injuries.
Dinner went smoothly, and I didn't even have a vertigo episode! It might have helped that I researched many recipes to ensure it was a very simple menu.
Good tidings during this close of the year. May the next one bring plenty of endings, beginnings, and fond memories.